Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Daybook - the last one of April

Outside my window… Newly treated lawn. The gurgling of the fountain. It almost sounds like the spring we heard when we were out today.

I am thankful for… a night and day away with Hubby and that we enjoy being together. Am thankful too for Aunt staying with the boys.

I am wearing… Adidas wind pants, navy t-shirt.

Some plans for the rest of the week… Staff Development, Bible competition next weekend.

I am hoping … to continue to feel better. My sinuses feel so much better after a trip to the dr. this week!

On my mind… what an amazing person George Washington Carver was. Being at his birthplace today really made me think about what life must have been like for my Dad on farms in the same area (although many years apart).

Hearing…. the usual.

I am praying for……. a little girl we met this weekend who has maple syrup urine disease

From the kitchen….. nothing since Thursday!

Around the house… a second new vacuum. The belt on the other kept coming off. I must say, although I liked how the other cleaned, how easily the attachments fell off for no reason was driving me crazy.

One of my favorite things… seeing new things, taking the back way, walking, the country.

From my picture journal… We came across several calves while finding the National Park.

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Easter Eggs?

Some kids dye eggs at Easter. M. experimented with them...

This was after they were in vinegar for two days. I helped rub the shell off (but only because this was his third attempt - the others either burst in the vinegar or while he was rubbing). 2nd liquid: diet coke

3rd liquid: green tea (the 4th was blue salt water)

The project was complete after 6 days. It was all about osmosis and diffusion.

After all the necessary data, the boys had a little fun with the eggs.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life

Nick Vujicic is now a motivational speaker and the director of Life Without Limbs, a non-profit organization. Nick found his life’s purpose despite being born without arms or legs. In his book, with the same title as his organization, Life Without Limbs, he speaks candidly about his disability and the ups and downs it brought emotionally as a child, teen, and now young adult. Even from the beginning it struck me how he described his mom not holding him at birth.

Nick uses his own experiences to encourage others to love themselves, find purpose, change their attitudes, forgive, have “life guides”, risk, have fun and give. At first I thought, not another motivational believe in yourself, blah, blah, blah. Although, Life Without Limits is extremely “self-help”, the focus isn’t all self. Nick is very clear that the source of his strength is Christ.

Honestly, this was a difficult book for me to get through. However, I’m not saying I don’t recommend it. It’s just not where I am right now. I have a pre-teen son who has always enjoyed biographical type books and I look forward to him reading it. I think it will encourage him as he faces challenges in his teen years to keep going and overcome.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Daybook - April Number Four

Outside my window…
Very soggy ground, beautiful flowers blooming now in the main front flower bed. Also new mulch and flowers in the second flower bed and a weeded and prepped backyard bed too thanks to Hubby and his day off work.

I am thankful for… We had a beautiful Easter. Spent celebrating at church with family and got to help out with the pre-K children. Leisurely afternoon and dinner with family and friends.

I am wearing… jeans and college sweatshirt. I can’t believe it’s cool enough for a sweatshirt.

Some plans for the rest of the week… testing at school this week and some more box packing and room cleaning. Hubby and I get to go away this weekend! We’re (okay me – we’ll see what we both decide together) planning on a national park and a conservation center.

I am hoping … my throat stops itching.

On my mind… Mom and Dad. We made a super quick, rain soaked, and muddy trip to the cemetery and changed out the flowers on their tombstone. Aunt got daffodils- just like we always had at home (except ours were real, not silk!)

Hearing…. L. unloading the dishwasher, Hubby squeaking in the chair behind me – I need to give him the good one back. He spends more time in the office than I do.

I am praying for……. Relay for Life

From the kitchen….. Easter dinner: ham, hashbrown casserole, baked asparagus, relish tray, deviled eggs, rolls and angel food cake with cool whip and pineapple frosting. Today: salsa chicken, refried beans and leftover veggies. Tomorrow: leftover ham, potatoes and peas.

Around the house… a fairly clean house thanks to company for Easter!

One of my favorite things… seeing spiritual growth in my boys, going away with hubby, time with Aunt (this past Saturday morning).

From my picture journal…
We have never done the Easter bunny thing for our boys, but Aunt and I couldn't resist a picture for a school fundraiser.

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Hubby returned yesterday evening from being gone a night for work. I had semi-made plans for the boys to be with Aunt and Hubby and I to go out Friday evening. I appreciate Hubby taking the spiritual lead for our home and saying that we were going to go to a Good Friday service instead. There just happened to be one at a church near our home.

Didn't know it going, but it turned out to be a drama. Have "known" this and read about it for years, but seeing it portrayed in a drama made it so much more "real" and meaningful - Jesus came for ALL people. Rich, poor, thieves, guards, those in authority, everyone! The worst part about the whole evening was the drama ended with Jesus being put in the tomb..... Of course what did I expect?

I love hearing M & L's insight and questions about the play and about Easter this year. We're experiencing it on a new level --they're too old for using the Resurrection eggs. Sigh.... M. has been reading about Passion week at the urging of his youth pastor. Yay! Youth Pastor!

When we walked out of church it was a sauna! We could see the air, it was so thick. I told Hubby that if his Dad were with us, he would be gasping for breath! I think if we're going to get stuck with humidity, we should at least get the beach to go along with it! However, the weather pattern was worth it. This was the sky

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Daybook - April Number Three

Outside my window… Beautiful spring day today. It’s dark outside now.

I am thankful for… God’s care, answer to prayer and help and that M. wants to serve the homeless downtown.

I am wearing… rose colored printed and jeweled tshirt with jeans and soft pink fuzzy socks

Some plans for the rest of the week… L’s 10th birthday, reflecting on Passion week, on Saturday I’m going to mow at Dad’s. I’ve put the start of the mowing season off as long as possible.

I am hoping … to get my book review blog done

On my mind… fighting cancer

Hearing…. giggles of 12 year old boys that don’t really sound like giggles, but mature laughs

I am praying for……. friendships

From the kitchen….. too much pizza and interestingly shaped and decorated sugar cookies

Around the house… still behind on laundry, pockets of items grouped for a garage sale (hope it happens this time).

One of my favorite things… seeing the ones I love enjoy themselves.

From my picture journal… To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

wise abe

I found this great new product through my sister's blog. Anyway - wise abe bags are made from burlap coffee bags and a portion of every sale helps students in third world countries. (They are partnering with Compassion International.) See this site for their story and a giveaway (through Sunday!)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Daybook - April, 2nd one

Outside my window… Very windy again, lots of sunshine and some things on our lawn still from me cleaning out my car.

I am thankful for… the yummy Otis Spunkmeyer cookie I had at the airport today and a walk and conversation with family.

I am wearing… church t-shirt and grey sweat shorts

Some plans for the rest of the week… hopefully walking Tuesday night, hearing an author speak Thursday night

I am hoping … to continue what I started with packing up my classroom

On my mind… family

Hearing…. J. ½ breathing heavy ½ snoring, Hubby tapping on the keyboard

I am praying for……. my boys – purity, a servant’s heart, honor, the fruit of the spirit

From the kitchen….. pork roast, corn on the cob, zucchini, salad and grapes

Around the house… vacuumed the stairs with the new vacuum (very excited to have this done)

One of my favorite things… watching soccer games, being with family, excitement of children

From my picture journal…

This is the Easter invitation my church did for me to post on FB. Very cool idea. I cropped it to take out the identifying info.

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

M's Successes - Counting Our Blessings

Since the primary purpose of my blog is a record for my family, I wanted to post a quick memory for my oldest.

Today: M. tried out over a week ago for a new instrument in band, and he found out today that he made it! I'm so proud of him, all school year now he has diligently practiced the trumpet without us prompting him. Now he will be playing Tuba! He has the mouthpiece (tuba comes home Thursday) and is practicing as I write.

A while back (whenever college basketball was down to 16 teams) M. participated in a Student Council thing at school where he chose the winner of the NCAA championship. We let the boys watch the whole game last night (I know - late!) I watched too and cheered for M's team. He woke me up when it was over and said, "Connecticut won!" We have no ties to the team, he chose because of one of the players being a "good three point shooter and an all-around good player". Today at school, M. claimed his prize package - a t-shirt, a rubber ducky, a package of tootsie rolls, and something else. I'm sure the real prize was the notoriety of having his name (along with only one other) read on the intercom as the winner.

Of course, our youngest son, L. has victories too. He's just choosier on me blogging about him!

My children are a blessing. The fun we have is too!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Daybook - April Number One

Outside my window… Very breezy and finally – the sun came out!

I am thankful for… a new vacuum cleaner with a stair brush. I am wearing… jeans, long sleeve shirt – don’t know how to describe it (or I’m being too lazy to), but it’s got purple in it!

Some plans for the rest of the week… soccer, Scouts, family visiting, soccer tournament, M’s birthday dinner.

I am hoping …to get started on packing my school room (new carpet coming this summer) and to make headway at Dad’s!

On my mind… wanting to just relax tonight – no housework, no school.

Hearing…. J snoring, M in his room and birds chirping outside (I hope they don’t get any ideas about putting up new nests on the porch!).

I am praying for…….participating in 21 days of prayer for my sons – see button on sidebar.

From the kitchen…..chicken, spaghetti squash, salad, grapes – upcoming this week: sloppy joes and Chinese chicken morsels with rice

Around the house…newly cleaned floors thanks to the new vacuum, laundry to fold, new quilt on our bed – I love it!

One of my favorite things… long walks – Aunt and I walked Saturday with J for three miles.

From my picture journal… Never posted last week. I think my camera may even be broken. This picture is from the boys and Aunt’s Spring Break trip.

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.