Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Saturday, May 31, 2014

What I Learned In May

1.  I really can run in to a cousin just about anywhere!  

My sis-in-law jokes around with me about being related to so many people where we live and not really knowing them.  Last Friday night Hubby and I went to a dinner/auction for the University where he works.  The dinner music was a wonderful western group and as we were listening I kept saying to Hubby, that's Bob.  We went back and forth: it is/no it's not and when the song ended Hubby said, "Are you Bob?".  The singer responded, "Hey, we went to the same family reunion" and then yelled across a couple of tables, "Hey, Vicki - your cousin is over here!"  After the auction the band played by the pool and Vicki and I visited.  It was a lovely evening and enjoyable people all at an amazing historical ranch.  Of course I texted all this to sis-in-law (PGG) who responded LOL.

You can see the "ranch house" in the background and the amazing trees in the circle drive.

2.  All those snow days I loved so much this winter didn't seem all that wonderful when I had to go to school after Memorial Day.  

Honestly, we had to give so many tests that once they were all over, I've been coasting.  Well, not coasting so much, but letting 1st grade be focused more on fun than standards.  It's officially end of school - I made our traditional enchiladas that commemorate the occasion. (L found a recipe in a Hank Zipzer book in 4th or 5th grade).

3.  I learned that we weren't the only ones to move home to help with ill/aging family.

Our new principal that was just perfect for our school and we all liked so much is moving.  Both she and her husband have family members that need help.  We all understand, but are apprehensive about what the next year holds.  I've learned so much this year about data and it's been so nice to have such a positive cheerleader.

4.  I should really take care of myself when I know I'm sick.

One Wednesday in mid-may when I went to work I didn't feel well and by noon I was home sleeping the rest of the day.  I went to school Thursday in pain and to the doctor right after school.  Thankfully, I was able to find a sub for Friday (they aren't easy to find on Fridays near the end of school) and thanks to antibiotics was feeling much better by Saturday.  I should have gone to the doctor a whole day and half earlier instead of pretending I wasn't sick.

5.  Teaching someone to drive isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Maybe it's because I didn't do a whole lot of teaching.  I let M. drive in our neighborhood to home.  I wasn't nervous or frantic or anything like that.

I linked this post up at Chatting At The Sky.  Check it out if you'd like!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Summer Bucket List 2014

Last year, I made a summer bucket list and wanted to do the same this year.  Last year was one of the best summers in a long time (not necessarily because of the list).  We had much cooler than normal temperatures (a welcome relief!) and I felt like I had a lot of time at home just "being".

This summer we have lots of away time scheduled and I have some work scheduled, but I'm looking forward to another great time of break from our normal routine.  M. is going to be going on a within the States mission trip and L. will start football conditioning and has already been finding mowing jobs.  Hubby will transition to a new position at work (one he is really looking forward to).  I'm so proud of his success and how much his current position has grown in the almost five years he's been at it.

So here's the list - it's a bit shorter than last.  I didn't include vacation things on it, but I'm looking forward to our plans for that!

1.  Read Captivating and use the journal
2.  Complete some extra work
3.  Take a tour of the new apartments in town (just because M wants to see them)
4.  Visit our town's museum
5.  Run again
6.  Pick blueberries
7.  Go to the Parade of Homes
8.  Clean out the game closet
9.  Read 10 books
10.  Make carpet squares for the Magic Triad (school)
11.  Eat at the cafe in the church down the road
12.  Drive more with M.
13.  Go back to WW
14.  Make contacts for fall college Homecoming
15.  Give J. the dog more attention

Mother's Day

Friday, May 2, 2014

School Projects

L recently had to take eggs with the yolk blown out for a project in Spanish class.  It's a miracle these things ever got done!  I kept getting emails about them and the whole time, I kept thinking it was an extra credit project.  Finally, the Friday before they were due, I got an email reminder with a clarification: this isn't extra credit.....

L and Hubby were camping for the weekend so Sunday afternoon (best time to complete school projects isn't it?) the three of us worked on the eggs.  He turned them in plus a few extras and then on Wednesday, I realize that Friday (Good Friday - a day L was planning on missing at school so he could go to his brother's Good Friday service at school and spend time with visiting family) is when L's class was painting and completing their cascarones.  I emailed L's Spanish teacher and she's such a superstar!  She arranged for him to come to her class from another one on Thursday so he could complete the project.

And he left them at school!  I thought his baby cousin would have enjoyed seeing them crack and the confetti come out.  Silly me, I just now realized you're supposed to crack them "over" and not "on" someone's head!  Anyway, the cascarones finally made it home and I think he did an excellent job.

Yesterday, L. served with a group from National Junior Honor Society at a soup kitchen in the city.

The project today was actually just a paper - and it finally made it to school too.  L. did what he was supposed to and emailed me his essay so I could print it.  I kinda forgot.  So....I emailed it to his teacher this morning. Then I got a call from Hubby who said I needed to print it, the teacher wouldn't take it via email (I'm so thankful M's school takes electronic submission.  I'm thankful for his school for testing reasons too, but that's a rant and I won't go there.)

Hubby then got a frantic call from me because the printer wouldn't work!  I absolutely had to leave so he came home to take care of it. (It gets crazier.)  I forgot something so he met me where I dropped off M. for tennis, but when I grabbed the bag he had brought me, I also grabbed L's paper that Hubby was on the way to school to take!

I realized it and honked and honked.  Hubby stopped and got the paper and headed off to L's school to save the day.  He's our hero!

Did I mention that M. has three weeks of school left and L. and I have four?  We. Are. Ready.