Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Sunday, September 16, 2012

One Thousand Gifts - September 17 (Constitution Day)

These reflect July and the past seven weeks.  Really? Seven weeks? I feel like I should have written so much MORE.  Seven weeks has been a looong time and my lack of writing reflects where I am.  It certainly doesn't reflect God's faithfulness.  Just the fact that I wrote anything and am posting this feels like normalcy and an accomplishment.

In the past seven weeks Aunt has been diagnosed and is being treated for leukemia; I started a new job and am completely overwhelmed by it; and I have had severe allergies and/or a sinus infection for three weeks.  Waa.  Stop complaining, Annette!  I have soooo much to be thankful for - click on the "thankful" tag and look bag.  In less than another seven short/looong weeks it will have been two years since I started my One Thousand Gifts journey.


A husband who helps

Playing the wii with the boys

Everyone home safe and together

M volunteering at VBS

Going to Memphis – company there

L meeting his pen pal

Getting in the pool

Opportunities for conversation

A morning walk

Clouds yesterday

Afternoon with the boys in my hometown

Good reports from Aunt

All this teaching stuff will get done!

A new card game to play with L

The boys got along well and were helpful yesterday

God’s timing

The generosity of friends

A supportive Hubby

New pens, highlighters, and sharpies

God’s preparing Word

Great care that Aunt has had

Hubby helping me at school

Hubby helping me in the middle of the night when I was coughing

Errands with the boys

Seeing deer – 8 in one spot and a family in another

Tennis for M

A ride home

Dates with Hubby

Peaceful location for L’s job

Time in the pool

Great people to work with

Taking the time to blog

Sleeping when I’m sick

Chicken Santa Fe Spud

Encouraging words from Hubby’s family

Quick answers to prayer

M picked out a purple toothbrush for me

Meeting Aunt at Starbucks

My niece (first girl in 70 years) was born

Hubby’s help and understanding

Saturday, September 8, 2012

On the Home Front - September 8, 2012

A peek through my window…. we had a bad storm to get this way, but it is absolutely gorgeous outside!  It’s sunny and in the 70s!  Out the window – lots of kids are playing and I can hear Hubby in the garage working on a project.

What’s going on this week… Open House for me, M will have more tennis.  I’m thankful that a friend’s Mom is taking him home on the day I’m at school late.  What else is going on?  For us, I haven’t thought that far.  My niece may be born on Thursday!

What “the boys” are doing… one was making stuff out of paracord.  I think they were both helping Hubby.  L has been faithful to practice his new clarinet.  We’ll all be going to a special exhibit on George Washington tomorrow.

On my mind… my mind is too full!  Fitting everything in to my school schedule is at the front of my mind.

On my bedside table… I started (meaning I’ve read the first chapter) a new book – Into the Clouds by Bonnie Leon.  It seems really good.  I just wish I could make more time to read it.  There are just so many hours…

I am richly blessed…  by my Hubby.  He got up with me at two this morning when I couldn’t sleep because I was coughing.  He filled up the humidifier, checked on me, brought me things and didn’t seem at all bothered by the time or inconvenience.  He is the best!

I’m praying for… a little boy who is only two and has leukemia.  He is in ICU with an infection.

Also praying for a dear friend with possible changes coming.

Our home…  has had better care, but is surviving me going back in the classroom full-time.  Hubby and a friend spent two full days on the roof fixing a leak.  It was 106 degrees one of the days and they didn’t give up!  So far, so good after one rainstorm.

Menu planning… Hmmm… Dinner usually consists of “Whatever you can find” lately.  I have made dinner for a record two nights in a row – Chicken Broccoli Casserole and Taco Soup.  I normally hate using canned chicken, but found a name brand “grilled chicken” in the can and it tasted fine in a casserole.  Have plans to make sloppy joes and sausage, eggs & hashbrowns next week.

A photo or two…

First Day of 8th Grade and 6th Grade

Happy Anniversary

On Labor Day

Hubby grilled...

M and Aunt visited and played Kindle games...

L played air soft guns in the back yard with a friend...

I made fruit salad and used Mom's bowl..

I also had a low grade fever and started the week battling a sinus infection (even lost my voice).  But, unpleasantries aside, Labor Day marked the three year anniversary of being in our new home in Oklahoma.  Happy Anniversary to us!  I'm so glad we're here...