Funny little connotation. Spending time with a screen? I say I'm counter-culture and I "think" I don't spend as much time with screen as "others" do, but that's really not true. If I'm sitting in my recliner, I likely have my smart phone AND my Kindle with me. I had both of those last night as we watched a movie. Hubby had his laptop. Even as I write this, I have multiple tabs open: my plan book, my lead teacher's plan book, other blogs, my school email and a restaurant menu (we're headed to OKC for the marathon and Hubby needs to "carb up").
Ann Voskamp had a wonderful "screen" post. That's what prompted my thoughts. Here is her link:
My goal for this week is to have more face-to-face time than screen time. I want to be a good example.
Am I Making a Huge Mistake?
16 hours ago