Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life With Lucy and Cyrus

Well, we've had a lot of life between the last post and this one.  I've been trying to figure out why I haven't been posting and it's gone something like computer, redoing Dad's house, everyone being gone for summer, school starting again, working on fundraising garage sale for M's Africa mission trip.

However, it's Fall Break!!  The tail end, but still Fall Break and it's always the point of the school year that I feel like I've got my feet under me and somewhat have a handle on work.  Though leading up to break I was at school until 7 or 8 each night. I'd I prefer not to repeat that for several weeks if ever!

It's been a good break catching up..sleep, paperwork, things that have been waiting for my time, and cleaning out the closet that I just knew I'd get to over the summer!  Friday, I was able to go out with L.  I probably enjoyed it more than him, but at least he was willing to be seen in public with his Mom!  Saturday was a really nice Saturday-break or not.  I took L. to a mowing job, went to a couple of garage sales, got a free pumpkin shake, bought movie tickets and went to Braums for milk (it's the absolute best tasting and best price so worth going out of my way for).  We saw Woodlawn as a family and then after our crockpot and bread maker meal, we played Sequence.  Five day weekends are definitely the way to go!
M got up at before 4:30 am to go pack the trailer for Africa!

I'm not a bleu cheese fan, but it's awesome on these chips!

M and L went to the youth pumpkin carving and bonfire.  Africa's on M's mind, I guess.  I rescued this from under M's back tire.  Someone left it there for him!

The recipe calls it Round Steak Casserole, but it turns out to be a yummy stew!

For Hubby and M, Saturday meant fixing the fallout of Life with Lucy and Cyrus.  Whenever someone mows or weed eats nearby Cyrus gets a bit excited and feels he must herd them (somewhat like he herds the vacuum cleaner).  He grabs the top part of the chain link fence in his mouth and pulls and shakes until he twists large holes all across the top.

Last weekend while Hubby and L were in Denver, we thought Lucy was getting out of the yard through the holes.  Turns out no, she was just pushing hard on the back gate and going out there.  I made a quick trip to Walmart before church and bought a bike lock.  She eats through the bungee cords! Fun, hu?  I didn't get pictures of the holes- just the repair work.

He's not supposed to be in the recliners - ever!

Good practice for upcoming mission trip!

There's not much he can't do...
There you have it - Life with Lucy and Cyrus!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Life With Lucy and Cyrus

We're so happy it's getting closer to Spring!!  Being cooped up inside is no fun for energetic doggies. It's a good thing they are so cute!  One day during bad weather Cyrus ended up in the boys' bathroom instead of ours because I didn't want to leave Lucy in M's room eating magazines... It was M's job to make sure everything was okay for him.  When I came home for lunch it was apparent that M. had missed a few things - there was a box of kleenexes in shreds all over the floor.  Cyrus did this in total darkness because M. forgot to leave the light on! Like I said, it's a good thing they're so cute!

The easiest way to get all the mud off them is carry them to the shower.  Well, that works great if Hubby is at home.  M. and I had to carry Cyrus in for a shower the other day - think lots of mud all over both bathrooms.  Poor Lucy - Hubby is the only one who can carry her so she got hosed off with her leash wrapped around the mailbox.  She was a good sport even though she was shivering!  I turned the fireplace on for them and they don't seem to have held grudges!

They both started obedience school.  They can "leave it" (even if leave it is a treat), sit, and lay down (although not always willingly).  I knew Cyrus would learn quickly, but I must say - Lucy is surprising me.  She is finally even learning to take treats gently.

We're still enjoying life with Lucy and Cyrus!

Lucy and Cyrus enjoy snuggling and napping with Daddy on a snowy afternoon.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Statue of Liberty

Too tired to actually blog, but I want to use these pictures for class and this is the easiest way.  I'll come back to this - Spring Break maybe?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Life With Lucy And Cyrus

I'm beginning to realize that Life with Lucy and Cyrus is our ordinary life!!

A little over two weeks ago, I sprained my ankle - not just a little sprain, but stay off of it for two days (RICE) then wear a boot and then a brace kind of sprain.  That translates to two weeks of me not walking the turkeys and I missed it.  A lot! (I went yesterday for over 45 minutes and my ankle seems to be okay.)

Hubby and the boys were good to walk them - okay, sometimes the boys walked them a little quicker than they should have and sometimes there were complaints, but they did take up my slack. Aunt even walked them once. They got to run at Dad's once or twice. 

We went there this afternoon and oh, how they love to run there!  I love to see Cyrus bounding out of the tall weeds!  He always has his ears perked tall and somewhat reminds me of a rabbit.  Tonight, Hubby and the boys kept commenting on how Cyrus stunk.  Who knows what he rolled in in the field? The dog wash was already closed, so we tried what we used to do with Flash - put\him in the shower.  He didn't mind too much and it made the necessary difference in order for him to crawl in bed with L. Of course as soon as he was finished, Lucy had to get in on the action (I had already washed her face yesterday since Cyrus peed on her while we were out walking in the park!!!!).  Now we have two clean, better smelling doggies!

In the past two weeks the dogs have also torn up both the dog beds and the cushion to my porch swing (I had even tied it down to try to prevent that!).  My neighbor said she saw them do it and they had a great time!  I'm sure with two preschoolers and her own dog there's not much she could do to discourage the turnkey's fun.  Of course Lucy and Cyrus have destroyed both of Drake's toy ducks and Drake has torn up his dog bed too.

Our other neighbor paid us a visit today because Lucy visited him in his yard (Did I mention our neighbor is an avid gardener?)  Thankfully he is a nice neighbor and he and Hubby found Lucy's hole and that's taken care of.  This dog is tough on fences!!  Thankfully, Cyrus is much too smart to follow her in any jailbreaks.  Obedience school is in the very near future!

Finally L. gets in on a picture with the turkeys.

They kept me company when I couldn't move around because of my ankle.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Life with Lucy and Cyrus

Hubby and M were away for the week, so L and I were in charge of the dogs the. whole. time.  Mostly me - but L really was helpful!  In the evenings, Cyrus enjoyed chewing on Monkey Man.

At some point he has also enjoyed chewing on the footboard of M's bed!  I got him a nylabone to help with the chewing thing.  He won't touch it.  When Lucy was inside she was in M's her bed.  (And yes, I'm certain that it was Cyrus not Lucy that chewed on the wood.) I did wake up a couple of mornings with her in bed with me.  I guess she only likes sleeping alone so much. That dog!

I/we did manage to take walks every day.   Their favorite part is watching the ducks/geese.  I'm pretty sure Cyrus wishes he could fly!  The beginning of the week had wind chills below freezing, while the end of the week was in the 60s! I'm thankful for better walking weather - the next 10 days is forecasted for the 50s!

Today we were all (Hubby took 1/2 day) off for MLK day so we took the dogs (affectionately referred to as turkeys) to dad's to run.  It took absolutely no convincing to get them to explore, run, wrestle, and look for moles.  We'd love to do that more often - or maybe build a house there to give them the space????

I wish we could get the dogs to pose together for a picture.  Maybe when they're older? And slower/calmer? That's life with Lucy and Cyrus!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Life With Lucy and Cyrus

For the record, we're dog owners again. Just when we were used to having clean tile...we realized we wanted a dog - our family loves having one around. This was quickened along when one happened to find us.  We couldn't find her owners and no one claimed her so we're the proud owners of Lucy!

Lucy has helped us find every spot in our fence that needed securing!  I guess when the fence was first installed close to ten years ago, they took a lot of short cuts fastening the bottom.  Hubby however has gotten it all fixed now (we really appreciate all the time he took in such cold temps. to take care of this).  Hubby also decided Lucy needed a friend. So, we found Cyrus.

Qualifying to get him from the rescue was quite a process, but it has been so worth it!  We are loving getting to know both of their different personalities.  The dogs are getting along great too - when they are outside they spend the whole day wrestling and chasing - it's quite entertaining to watch!

As I write this, Lucy is in M's bed asleep - she's all about what's in it for her.  She's not much of a snuggler, but she'll give kisses and she will rub around our legs like a cat!  Cyrus is a snuggler and kisser!  Trust me, I've gotten woken up several times this way this week!  He lays his head across my neck - that must be a border collie trait because Jazzy used to do that too.  Right now, he's asleep right next to my chair.  Also, must be a border collie trait!

We're so thankful to have them both and look forward to many years of walks, ball playing and having them as part of our family.