Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Life With Lucy and Cyrus

We've got the sickies around here.  You can probably tell by the picture that L. doesn't feel very well.

M. has something going on that he'll need some test later in the week.  And then there's Cyrus...

I took him to the vet for his yearly check-up and found out he has heart worms!!  Bout broke my heart!!  She says there's a period that the dog can be infected that it doesn't show up on the test.  Considering his age, how long we've had him and that he's been on preventative meds since we got him, she thinks he was infected when we got him a year ago, but it was during that time that it didn't show.  Ugh!!  Poor baby has to take a bitter medicine twice a day.  Lucy doesn't mind - she gets the same cheese or ham treat minus the meds that Cyrus does. Our prayer is that this works because the other way would require that he be crated for two months!

He knows he's not supposed to be in my chair!!  Of course he knows he's not supposed to be on my bed too, but that doesn't stop him!!  Earlier in the week, I posted this link on FB that talks how dogs communicate with you.  I love it - we've experienced each one with both dogs!!  Mmm, the article doesn't address stubbornness though.  We need that one for Lucy!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Life with Lucy and Cyrus

 Blogging is something I always think about doing and never quite get to.  I have thoughts to write and don't do it.  I want to leave more of a record of family life than what is on facebook and pictures in my cell phone. So, three months later I work on my blog.  I change the template and totally mess up the background.  Ones I've used in the past aren't free anymore - I found something else that kind of matches the template I accidentally changed it to.  Not quite what I wanted, but it's purple and purple is always good.

A lot of things aren't quite what I wanted.  For instance...the day after these photos were taken, Hubby's brother lost his battle with cancer.  Not what we wanted, but we're happy he isn't in pain anymore.  Eternity with Christ is a great thing!  And our family (collectively) is sometimes okay and a lot of times struggling.

We went to Jazzy's Ridge to take these photos on the one year anniversary of losing Jazzy.  Of course Cyrus is looking adoringly to us - that's his personality. Then there's Lucy.  There's never a dull
moment with her!  The weather is quite cold now and in the mornings when it's time for me to leave for school she is hiding in M's bed as if to say don't put me out in the cold!  Even today, I took her to run at Dad's, but she couldn't be left because she won't stay in the yard and she won't listen/obey.  She only likes things her way!

Our poor Cyrus has heart worms.  The vet thinks since he is young and otherwise healthy that he can fight them off with the "slow-kill" method which is medicine.  Fast kill would require a lot of money and crating him for two months!  I hope the first way works, such an active dog who is part of our everyday life would be miserable crated that long!

Not matter what I say about them, I do look forward to our evenings with the dogs.  Lucy will be trying to get us to chase her around the living room and when that's done, she'll chew on her bone.  Cyrus will cuddle up with one of us in the recliner.  That's life with Lucy and Cyrus!