Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Counting My Blessings - Day 8

39. A morning walk - I have really missed these since starting work. This morning after Hubby and the boys left early for church, J and I set out! It was a beautiful day for a walk. I loved the warmth of the sunshine, but I also loved how cold my cheeks felt because of the breeze. It is a blessing to have such a wonderful place to walk, to have the ability to walk, and to have had TIME to walk! I did some much needed stretching for my back when I got home, got ready and made it to church on time. Once there I was amazed how that short time I took before coming prepared my heart for worship and today's message. Thank you God for meeting with me in creation and by your Spirit.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Daybook - Last One of October 2010

Outside my window… bright beautiful sunlight, a cool autumn breeze and my 2 pumpkins are still there (they haven’t been the victim of a smashing)

I am thankful for… quiet moments, lots of blogging time being thankful through Branch of Wisdom’s Month of Thanksgiving

I am wearing… flannel pajamas

Some plans for the rest of the week… a play-off game, not much so maybe I’ll have a chance to get some projects completed in my classroom

I am hoping… Hubby’s plane is on time tonight!

On my mind… blogging, making a synonym/antonym game before I start cleaning the house

Hearing…. Not a lot. M and I are the only ones here and he is still sleeping. I can hear the air purifier in the living room.

I am praying that…… lately I have been praying quite a bit for a family member, a neighbor, and for the safety of Hubby and our boys.

From the kitchen... uggh! I need to do some planning today. The only thing that’s going to be coming from the kitchen in the near future is leftovers and trying to whittle down the half-eaten boxes/bags of crackers and chips that are in the pantry!

Around the house… Aunt’s things since she’s been staying with us while Hubby was away. The dining room table is piled with laundry again!

One of my favorite things… flannel pajamas! The ones I have on probably should be thrown out, but I can’t bear to part with them! I like my fleece jammies too.

From my picture journal…

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Counting My Blessings - Day Seven

38. Light - Hubby is always reminding me to turn off lights. I really do want to be financially responsible, but I love light! During the day, I love all the natural light and at night I either want lamps on or all the bright lights on in every room of the house, depending on the mood I'm in.

This picture isn't the best one displaying light, but it meant something to me this morning because as I sat down in my rocker this was what was streaming through our front east window.

It was especially bright and glowing this morning. When I was reading, the pages of Isaiah were illuminated brightly. (The following wasn't what I was reading, but I found it to be beautiful when I checked

Isaiah 42:16
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them."
How even more precious is the light of Christ than the earthly light I love!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Counting My Blessings-Day Six

37. Hubby - I'm thankful every day for what a wonderful husband Hubby is. He's my biggest supporter and encourager. He's one of the most compassionate people I know and always strives to be like Christ.

38. Community - I'm thankful to live in such a wonderful town. There's always something going on to bring people together and I love the way the schools and town partner to highlight the same character quality each month. Currently, our high school band is raising money to go to the Rose Parade. It seems everyone is chipping in to hold fundraising events.

This picture is from the 5th graders at M's school last year doing the Veteran's Day assembly. (He's the last one, top right, by the balloons.) Can I just say, Wow!? I was so impressed that such young people could be so honoring of those serving in the armed forces past and present. This event is something my Dad still talks about. Since he doesn't really remember current events any more, I'm pleased that this meant something to him.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Counting My Blessings - Day Five

36. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables - I'm grateful to be able to get food from my garden, farmer's market (though I need to take more advantage of both of these) and my local grocery. I have a wide variety of fruits and veggies that are safe, affordable, and good for me.

Lately at the grocery I have been sad that fruit and veggie seasons are changing and my most favorites are either not available, too expensive, or poor quality. Tonight however, I tried a "new to me" veggie, butternut squash. A made an "inside out cabbage roll" recipe that called for it - had to watch the how to peel a butternut squash video on the internet and everything. All went well. I was surprised at how pumpkin-like the seeds and pulp were on the inside. I didn't need the whole squash for the recipe so I baked what was left with cinnamon and nutmeg and then mashed it with butter. Yummy!

Oh, the inside out cabbage rolls were pretty good too. (Aunt and I wanted to try them because we grew up with our Mom making cabbage rolls. She learned it from her German grandmother. I have made them on extremely special occasions.) Both boys tried the dish - here are their responses: L - "They're okay. Not the best dinner you've ever made Mom" and M "They're good." Of course he didn't eat a whole lot and now is looking for more food! I just love their honesty and that they ate green peppers, butternut squash and cabbage!
Check out Branch of Wisdom each day til Thanksgiving for a Month of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Counting My Blessings - Day Four

35. Scouts (I realized yesterday that instead of counting new each day, I should be doing a running tally. Hence the number 35 and not 1.). We've been a part of either Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts (or both) for almost six years now and it's been a blessing in the lives of our whole family. The boys have learned many new skills, had lots of fun and made new friends. They've practiced many qualities including leadership, persistence, and respect. We've all had quality family moments together camping, building pinewood derby cars, making cakes, completing service projects, and doing other activities. Hubby and I have had the opportunity to teach "God and Me" and "God and Family" classes several times to both churched and unchurched boys. Scouts has been a blessing to our whole family for many years and hopefully for many more to come.

This picture is from 2008 before a Blue and Gold Banquet. M was a Bear and L. a Tiger. In March I posted pictures from M's Arrow of Light at my former blog, Butterfly Wings.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Counting My Blessings - Day Three

1. Transportation - Hubby will be with his VA family by midnight tonight. Note the transportation is a blessing. I'm very sad he's gone. I pray he and his brother will be a wonderful blessing to his grandmother.

2. Diversity - I'm thankful that my children have an opportunity to be around many people who are not exactly like them. (Umm, sometimes. Last week we stopped in the city for gas and L. said "Mom, let's get out of here. I just saw someone take something out of their sock." The something was a wallet. Once in the car though, my sons educated me that people carry weapons in their socks. I didn't know!)

3. Naivety - mine is a blessing and really my boys are naive to many things going on in culture. And it should be so! Please read the Scripture at the top of my blog. We don't want to fit into our culture.

4. Hubby - he made a stop at M's school to deliver his ID/lanyard and then my school to deliver my lunch I left in the fridge. I know it made him late in starting an already busy day and I really appreciated it!

Please click the button on the list to see more blessings and/or to join Tamara at Branch of Wisdom. If you've never visited Tamara, you should. She always posts the most wonderful pictures.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Counting My Blessings - Day Two

1. Easy access to reading material and that my children love to read.

2. Sons who are walking in their father's footsteps/sons who help at home

3. My blender and a yummy peanut butter and banana smoothie. A year ago I wouldn't have dreamed of making this, so it's a blessing that's I've changed my ways!

4. A warm fall day to have the door open and enjoy the breeze, sound of wind chimes and sunset.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Daybook - Number Four

Outside my window… darkness, light and sounds of our fountain – beautiful weather to have the window open and hear it. Smells like someone is using a fire pit somewhere.

I am thankful for… L’s shoulder feeling better, that M’s team made it to the playoffs, for Hubby and for one more day of Fall Break!

I am wearing… VBS t-shirt and jeans

Some plans for the rest of the week… getting the oil changed in my car, missing Hubby while he’s in VA, trying a new cabbage roll recipe, L’s last art club meeting

I am hoping… for a simple holiday season

On my mind… the fun the boys and I had walking around the Chili Festival in the rain yesterday. By the time we got home I was so wet that I could feel rain trickling down my sides! It was worth it for the sheer silliness and for the new chili recipe I have!

Hearing…. Hubby must be on itunes. I’m hearing all kinds of music. The fan and fountain (I think we just like the sound of the fan).

I am praying that…… those who are distant come closer (I know that’s vague)

From the kitchen... chicken that needs to be put on the grill tomorrow evening, fresh veggies and cheerios bars (that I’m convinced are more breakfast food than dessert since they have cheerios and peanut butter in them!)

Around the house… a coolness from open windows, scent of pumpkin candle, a cleaned out linen closet

One of my favorite things… Sunday afternoons
From my picture journal…
To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Counting My Blessings - Day One

In our small group we are reading Crazy Love by Frances Chan. One of the things we talked about tonight was what we'd like said at our eulogy. It really puts into perspective what we're thankful for.

I'm thankful to have worshipped freely at church this morning, that my immediate family know Christ as their Savior, that I'm able to see and communicate with Hubby, L & M., that Aunt goes to the same church we do, for moments alone with Hubby, for walking along the shore of the lake today with my family, laughter, understanding, and our small group.

I should have taken the camera for our drive around the lake today and didn't. Sorry for no pictures. I'm hoping next week I'll include some pics in my thankfulness posts. Check out the Month of Thanksgiving button on the sidebar to see more or join in.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Counting My Blessings

I'm thankful for so many things today. I'm thankful for health even though I'm getting over bronchitis. I'm thankful I was able to get into the dr. even though it wasn't my "usual" and for antibiotics and for the money to pay for all this medical care. I'm thankful for the boys' endocrinologist, their new medical alert bracelets and that they are still on the right growth curve.

I'm thankful for the weather today even though it was rainy! It was still very fall! The breeze and dampness are actually very nice. I enjoyed the beautiful color on the way to pick up Dad today.

I'm thankful that Dad receives such excellent care at the Veteran's Center and that he was able to come see M. play his football game today. I'm thankful for Aunt coming to so many of the boys' activities.

I'm thankful that Hubby cleaned the bathroom and that he just took L. to get a movie for us to see tonight. I'm thankful for the snack supper and evening together that we are getting ready to share.

I'm thankful I was able to post the Month of Thanksgiving button. Click on it on my sidebar and visit Tamara at Branch of Wisdom!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Month of Thanksgiving

Branch of Wisdom is hosting "A Month of Thanksgiving" She even has a beautiful graphic, but I couldn't get it to copy and paste so this is my attempt at one.
I may not participate every day, but I am thankful every day.
I am thankful for my son's thoughtfulness. Almost a month ago he gave me a ticket to the Amy Grant concert. He got some help from Hubby and Aunt, but he bought the ticket on his own. He included a sweet note about me doing so much and that he wanted to do something for me. Aunt and I went to the concert tonight (I'm thankful for an enjoyable evening out.)
I'm thankful for the concert and I will treasure that special note always.

What I Did With Some Time Off

On Sunday L. took a couple of nasty tumbles in his soccer game. I wasn't there - I was working on some things at home and ready to take him to his last game at 5 o'clock. Hubby called though to say L. was hurting and wouldn't be going to the last game.

I called my principal and made arrangements online to have a sub. Monday morning so I could take L. to the Dr.

First thing Monday morning after taking M. to school, L. and I went to my classroom to get things in order. The appt. I was able to get for L. was 10:30, so we had some time - on the way home we stopped and got crickets for the gecko. Once Levi was resting comfortably and reading at home I took care of some online pharmacy business (I have to finish it today) and read a blog or two.

We were out of the Dr.'s by 11:20 - however, by 11:45 when we still hadn't been called for xrays at radiology - I called Hubby to come take over. I had to be back at school by 12:20 and needed to be there in the afternoon to administer tests.

L. has a strained AC joint, is still having some pain, but is expected to be okay in 3-4 weeks. Dr. said to be careful with rotation and not to over extend his shoulder which translates to L's soccer season is over. This is doubly sad to me - we had so many team difficulties and just this weekend, with breakfast before the tournament and a few wins, the team seemed to be geling better. L's sat out practice this week, but will make it to the local college game tonight where his team will be ball boys. We plan for L. to go to the last two regular season games too.

One question: Who would have thought giving a heating pad to a 9 y o boy would make him so excited? It was like getting a new video game.'s Fall Break! 5 whole days off. I worked like a mad woman yesterday afternoon grading, entering grades on the computer, doing lesson plans and cleaning up so I wouldn't bring any work home. I'm totally free! And totally (well maybe partially) sick - I lost my voice yesterday. I do intend to enjoy some blogs as long as I feel like sitting up. After all, this is my first non-daybook blog since starting work!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Daybook - October Number Three

Outside my window… the usual. Getting ready to see M. pass in front of the window three times. I asked him to walk J, the dog around the triangle 3x.

I am thankful for… a cleanish house, mostly done laundry, new fall clothes, hubby doing all but one game this weekend (I love going and have missed them, but really needed to get some other things done that I never seem to get to).

I am wearing… Levi’s and Hawaii tshirt because it’s the color of L’s soccer team – getting ready to go to the game.

Some plans for the rest of the week… Fall Break, Amy Grant concert, closet cleaning, Dr.’s appts, errands, and haircut.

I am hoping… that my allergies don’t spiral down and that I don’t get a sinus infection this time.

On my mind… Dad

Hearing…. no one is in the house but me, so I don’t hear much. The fan because it’s slightly warm – 85.

I am praying that…… upcoming time with hubby away goes quickly. Also praying for the work hubby has to do and for the boys’ friendships, school, and “down” season of sports.

From the kitchen... Green Chilie Chicken Stew (for small group tonight). I need to make some plans for the rest of the week. It seems that if I don’t make some good plans over the weekend that we really suffer for meals during the week.

Around the house… just a few more laundry items to put away – outside the bushes look scalped. They really needed it – thanks hubby.

One of my favorite things… sweatshirt weather

From my picture journal…

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Daybook - October Number Two

My Daybook this week is getting ultra simple - mostly pictures!

One of my favorite things...
spending time with family and friends, fall, camping (to a degree - not having flusing toilets is NOT a favorite of mine, and I get quite resourcesful in finding one)

We spent Friday and Saturday night at a state park with family and friends. The weekend was filled with fishing, hiking, playing, laughing, eating junk food, star gazing, pedal boating, sitting by the campfire, enjoying each other's company and enjoying the beauty of God's creation.

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Daybook - October #1

Outside my window… sunshine, breeze, final blooms of summer on some flowers

I am thankful for… time out with M. last night, my son’s thoughtfulness (he bought be a ticket to the Amy Grant concert, along with a sweet note), relatively easy grocery shopping in comparison (to other parts of the world or other time periods past)

I am wearing… Levi’s jeans, navy Branson t-shirt

Some plans for the rest of the week… parent/teacher conferences – several I’m doing and then ours for L.

I am hoping… to add some new things to my school routine/schedule, for some allergy/sinus relief

On my mind… getting things together for our weekend camping trip i.e. food, gear, wondering what the weather will be and when we’re going to have the time to do what’s needed

Hearing…. keyboards clicking, fan, fountain, neighbor’s windchimes

I am praying that…… those we know who need a physical touch from God will receive healing and strength

From the kitchen... tacos tonight before the football game, roast after church tomorrow with friends

Around the house… laundry to be put away and a kitchen in desperate need of cleaning

One of my favorite things… Going to sleep early/sleeping late (not that I got to last night), nutter butter cookies

From my picture journal…
To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.