39. A morning walk - I have really missed these since starting work. This morning after Hubby and the boys left early for church, J and I set out! It was a beautiful day for a walk. I loved the warmth of the sunshine, but I also loved how cold my cheeks felt because of the breeze. It is a blessing to have such a wonderful place to walk, to have the ability to walk, and to have had TIME to walk! I did some much needed stretching for my back when I got home, got ready and made it to church on time. Once there I was amazed how that short time I took before coming prepared my heart for worship and today's message. Thank you God for meeting with me in creation and by your Spirit.
I know exactly how you must have felt...it is almost a way of preparing ourselves for our time with Him.
So glad you had that time to enjoy God's creation with your furry friend and then had a wonderful time of worship! Thanks for sharing that blessing with us!