Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Monday, May 30, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays - May 30, 2011

I tried a new approach this week to counting all the gifts that God has graced me with this week. Instead of thinking of them all at just a couple times through the week and adding them to my computer list, I got out the journal my MIL gave me for my birthday and started writing them every day. I'm also about four chapters into Ann Voskamp's book.

When hubby saw the cover - a bird's nest with eggs - he asked "Is God trying to tell you something?". Nope, not me! Before Spring got started too much Hubby took down (much to his disliking) the nests on our front porch. I'm not particularly fond of birds and I really don't like them swooping in or out of their nests when I walk out my front door. Today also marked the first time we've used a grill cover in 16 years of marriage. We've finally gotten tired of cleaning twigs out before cleaning and using the grill. Enough about nests - here are my multitudes of blessings for this week ending May 30, 2011 (Memorial Day).

210. My baby boys sleeping
211. Brothers sharing a bed
212. Summer reading program
213. Children eager to help
214. A yard – space
215. Storms going around us
216. A purple journal
217. Friends who check on us
218. Getting rid of leftovers – having leftovers to get rid of
219. Sweet strawberry Yankee candles – it smells like summer!
220. Homemade guacamole
221. Fresh lettuce from the “garden”
222. The smell of anything growing fresh
223. Neighbors’ lilies blooming on the side of the house and
224. Walking out just to see them.
225. Watching M. shoot baskets after church
226. The difference one school year makes
227. Boxes taped up and stacked desks all clean and in a corner
228. Hubby talking in the wee hours of the morning
229. L. finding Aunt’s stamp collection – him getting it – him sharing it. “Want to look at my stamps?”
230. Answered friend prayer
231. Hubby wanting to pick the boys up on the last day of school
232. A dog snoring at the end of the bed (at least a little while is a gift anyway!)
233. A good last day of school
234. L. winning the 50 yard dash
235. Chocolate fondue
236. That lettuce grows back
237. Glances back
238. Waves and smiles
239. A safe 1st leg of the journey
240. A wide open day
241. Funny faces in pictures
242. Family stories
243. Yeast rolls at Logans
244. I can wear flip flops every day of the summer if I want!
245. Right now when it’s not so hot, I like the humid feel in the air.
246. Kids excited to be in Sunday School
247. Sister lunch and dinner
248. A clean bathroom
249. Access to God’s Word, different versions
250. Hopeful summer plans
251. Wind that makes heat more bearable
252. Hubby coming home
253. Dripping wet kids with towels over their shoulders walking home from the pool.
254. Little boys digging in a hole of dirt
255. A neighbor’s greeting
256. Old little valentines
257. Pictures that bring back memories
258. Many evidences of very proud grandparents
259. Food cooked outside
260. Options for flying
261. Homemade sauces
262. New pajamas
263. Small ducks skimming the pond
264. A dog who always gets up to be (right) next to (or on) you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Daybook - First One of Summer

Outside my window… a little breezy and cloudy. There’s a new planter on the front porch courtesy of some friends from small group.

I am thankful for… lots and lots of things every day. I’m thankful it is summer vacation!

I am wearing… grey sweat shorts, purple “This Shirt Frees Slaves” shirt. I’ll take a shower and change after blogging, napping, reading and walking the dog!

Some plans for the rest of the week… throw things away at Dad’s. That’s the only plan! (well we may visit friends who live at the lake for Memorial Day).

I am hoping … to get everything done at Dad’s and have clear direction on what we need to do next.

On my mind… Hubby and the boys who are in the air on their way to Albuquerque.

Hearing…. nothing :0(

I am praying for… friends who have a long road ahead of them with son’s diagnosis.

From the kitchen….. fondue last night

Around the house… fairly clean. I have some things to put away that came from school. My poor desk really deserves a beginning of summer straightening!

One of my favorite things….the excitement of little (not so little – growing) boys! L. won the 50 yard dash at Field Day yesterday.

From my picture journal…

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Multitudes on Monday - May 23

It seems odd to post my multitudes when neighbors in Joplin are facing such devastation. Our hearts and prayers go out to them. Will take M & L out soon to get some supplies to drop off at the church for the truck going to Joplin.

Here is #179 - 209

179. Laughter with friends.
180. Surprise gifts.
181. Free books left at your doorstep.
182. First band concert.
183. When a son wants to go along on an errand.
184. Lots of questions and explanations.
185. Teaching Sunday School again.
186. Soft frozen yogurt.
187. Talking to my aunt on the telephone.
188. Sound of soft rain.
189. Conversations in the porch swing.
190. Plans that get changed. And it’s ok.
191. Cuddling.
192. Thinking that Phineas and Pherb is funny (or should that be phunny?)
193. Nighttime sounds – the stillness to hear them
194. Noon on Saturday and 76 degrees
195. Seeing scissortail flycatchers
196. Being near your hometown
197. A clean laundry room (thanks to Hubby)
198. Spontaneous hugs
199. Piano with trumpet
200. Praising the Lord in song with friends
201. God’s grace is amazing to me
202. A ten year old with an interest in missions
203. The sound of the basketball bouncing in the driveway
204. Laying in the grass watching lightning
205. Time together
206. Intentional focus on marriage growth
207. More teaching supplies
208. Quiet coolness in the house first thing in the morning
209. The dog whining because she’s not playing with the boys

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mountain Update

This is an update from my post about our mountains from last night (we live nowhere near mountains, but Hubby and I miss/love the mountains! - Okay I'm speaking for Hubby, he loves the beach!)

Hubby reminded me that when we pointed out the "mountains" that L. asked "What are the names of the mountains?" Ah, the innocence of children! I sure hope it isn't that he's inherited "obliviousness" from his mama.

Multitudes on Mondays - May 16

I am new to Multitudes on Mondays. My gifts have previously been listed under Counting My Blessings. I started last November and have a ways to go to 1000! It has been such a blessing to focus on the abundant blessings that God daily lavishes on me. The journey hasn't always been rosy, in fact mid-Jan. to mid-Feb. was downright dark. Even in the dark times there has been joy in my heart as I look to my Source and worship Him.

141. Good friends for the boys.
142. New recipes
143. Looking forward to family visiting.
144. Sweet tea from QT
145. Boys who like to be together. I’m so glad they’re friends!
146. Quiet time on the porch swing.
147. Memories.
148. God’s faithfulness. His mercies are new every morning.
149. A Hubby and friends who remind me of His faithfulness.
150. He is my provision.
151. School is almost over!
152. It is a gift to be entrusted with the education of 22 precious ones.
153. Being able to pick the boys up at school on Friday.
154. Unexpected free time.
155. Living in a conservative state.
156. Getting reacquainted with old friends. (One of them played the piano in our wedding!)
157. Getting dressed up and a (free) evening out.
158. Hubby and I had dinner alone at home this week too!
159. Help from a friend.
160. Hubby’s help with the garage sale. I’m so thankful that I don’t have to do things alone.
161. A son learning a musical instrument.
162, Beautiful sunsets.
163. Open spaces.
164. Burning candles, not just letting them collect dust.
165. The emotional health to sort through Mom and Dad’s things.
166. Abundance
167. Orange tic tacs
168. Finally getting Dad’s mowing done.
169. Actually enjoying alone time on the mower.
170. Mountains – even if they are clouds that just look like mountains!
171. Shared history
172. Sunday afternoon naps
173. French fry appetizers
174. Clean sheets, a haircut and shower before bed (per son, M.)
175. Boys who are responsible.
176. Middle of the day phone conversations with Hubby.
177. Mowing jobs for the boys.
178. A quiet house and a moment to blog.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our New Mountains

On the way home from small group tonight, Hubby and I thought the clouds looked like mountain ranges. We marveled at them the whole way to the church to pick up L. and Hubby snapped these pictures...

The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy. Psalm 97:5-6; 98:8

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Daybook - My Mom Would Be 72 Today

Outside my window… my car is in the driveway since garage sale items are in my spot. The neighborhood sale is NEXT weekend, not this. Oops.

I am thankful for…a nice evening out with Hubby, for his job, places for the boys to be and a conservative state.

I am wearing… old Levi’s and college sweatshirt.

Some plans for the rest of the week…last staff development, band concert and garage sale (again)

I am hoping …to make it to the post office before it closes Monday. I really don’t like going. Why can’t I find pre-stamped birthday, sympathy and get-well cards like I did at Mother’s Day?

On my mind… it was nice being off work yesterday and I’m looking forward to making it out to the porch swing before the night’s over.

Hearing…. metal – the boys are working out

I am praying for……. family and friends with health issues

From the kitchen….. mini meatloaves, rice, green beans and strawberries.

Around the house…the usual – have vincas sitting on the kitchen counter waiting to go in the flower bed.

One of my favorite things…. Sleeping in (didn’t get to do it this morning), books, talking to Hubby.

From my picture journal…
Picture’s kinda far away, but I appreciate L. for taking it. You can see how nicely the flower bed (except the empty spot – I need to hurry and get those Vinca’s planted!) is doing. It was fun to dress up to go out.

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Porch Swing

For as long as I can remember there was a porch swing on my parents' front porch. I'm sure I sat there for hours at a time at all times of day and night just thinking. Sometimes when I sat there one (or both if we squeezed) of my parents would sit with me. My cousin and I would play on the porch and swing (especially if it were raining). I remember falling out of it more than once and often I'd have my dog, Fudge swinging with me. I loved that swing!

Our house now has a real porch and I asked if Aunt minded if I took the swing. Our grandfather made it. Hubby and both boys stripped, sanded, primed and repainted it - it was quite the undertaking. Mother's Day morning as I was still lying in bed, I could hear the new chains being put on the swing and it being hung. After my lovingly hand made cards, I sat on it a bit with the boys. Hubby asked "Which side did you used to sit on?". I smiled, it was the one I was sitting on at the moment of course.

Today's only day two and I've already spent time there. I've added something that I don't remember doing in the swing much when I was a kid - reading my Bible. I love my swing! I'm very thankful to Hubby and the boys for all their hard work done with love because they know how much it means to me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Daybook

Outside my window… freshly mowed lawn, new pillow on the rocking chair, the fountain is on.

I am thankful for…time spent with my family – in the hotel Friday night, Bible Competition, and fun lunch. I’m thankful for all L’s hard work and that M. participated in Relay for Life before meeting us Sat. with Aunt.

I am wearing… yucky mowing clothes. I didn’t get to mow though because the battery was dead.

Some plans for the rest of the week… a couple of school parties for M., lots of soccer practice and garage sale.

I am hoping … to not be hurting tomorrow. The time at the diner on Route 66 was fun yesterday. I really enjoyed my Dublin Dr. Pepper. However, being so sick today wasn’t worth the grease, the onion rings or cookie.

On my mind… L. did a great job in his Bible competition. I've also been thinking about Mom and Dad a lot this week.

Hearing…. M sitting behind me dictating what he thinks I should write.

I am praying for……. end of school year kinds of things.

From the kitchen….. I made some things from Make 5 Dinners in One Hour this week and have been quite pleased. Last night we had some leftover roast that I cooked in the crockpot with tomatoes, green chile and seasoning.

Around the house… the clothes that sat on the couch for almost a week finally got put away! I told Hubby that I was leaving the ones that are piled on the dryer there to absorb the squeaky noise that it’s making.

One of my favorite things…. My porch swing! My grandfather made it, it hung at my parent’s home for as long as I can remember, and now that Hubby and the boys repainted it, it’s on my back porch. What a wonderful Mother’s Day gift.

From my picture journal…

To view more daybooks visit Simple Woman's Daybook.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter Photos

I have three more minutes to wait for the dr.'s office to open so I can call for L. and thought I'd post these pictures. As far as our hearts go, Easter was a beautiful day of celebrating our Savior's Resurrection. Our weather didn't cooperate so much. Hence the cold temps outside and my wet hair in the pics. If only I had had more time that morning, I would have changed into jeans before church!

Hubby and I helped out with the four-year-olds at Church and we had so much fun! Before the Bible drama, we made Resurrection eggs. The kids were so careful in putting each item in the plastic egg and eager to either hear or help tell the story.

After church we took some pictures, started dinner and Aunt, Hubby and I went to put daffodils on Mom and Dad's grave. Later in the day, friends from small group came over for dinner. We enjoyed visiting with them and watching their children play. It's sweet to share time with younger ones when yours are growing up. Doesn't M's face look so grown up in the picture?