I tried a new approach this week to counting all the gifts that God has graced me with this week. Instead of thinking of them all at just a couple times through the week and adding them to my computer list, I got out the journal my MIL gave me for my birthday and started writing them every day. I'm also about four chapters into Ann Voskamp's book.
When hubby saw the cover - a bird's nest with eggs - he asked "Is God trying to tell you something?". Nope, not me! Before Spring got started too much Hubby took down (much to his disliking) the nests on our front porch. I'm not particularly fond of birds and I really don't like them swooping in or out of their nests when I walk out my front door. Today also marked the first time we've used a grill cover in 16 years of marriage. We've finally gotten tired of cleaning twigs out before cleaning and using the grill. Enough about nests - here are my multitudes of blessings for this week ending May 30, 2011 (Memorial Day).
210. My baby boys sleeping
211. Brothers sharing a bed
212. Summer reading program
213. Children eager to help
214. A yard – space
215. Storms going around us
216. A purple journal
217. Friends who check on us
218. Getting rid of leftovers – having leftovers to get rid of
219. Sweet strawberry Yankee candles – it smells like summer!
220. Homemade guacamole
221. Fresh lettuce from the “garden”
222. The smell of anything growing fresh
223. Neighbors’ lilies blooming on the side of the house and
224. Walking out just to see them.
225. Watching M. shoot baskets after church
226. The difference one school year makes
227. Boxes taped up and stacked desks all clean and in a corner
228. Hubby talking in the wee hours of the morning
229. L. finding Aunt’s stamp collection – him getting it – him sharing it. “Want to look at my stamps?”
230. Answered friend prayer
231. Hubby wanting to pick the boys up on the last day of school
232. A dog snoring at the end of the bed (at least a little while is a gift anyway!)
233. A good last day of school
234. L. winning the 50 yard dash
235. Chocolate fondue
236. That lettuce grows back
237. Glances back
238. Waves and smiles
239. A safe 1st leg of the journey
240. A wide open day
241. Funny faces in pictures
242. Family stories
243. Yeast rolls at Logans
244. I can wear flip flops every day of the summer if I want!
245. Right now when it’s not so hot, I like the humid feel in the air.
246. Kids excited to be in Sunday School
247. Sister lunch and dinner
248. A clean bathroom
249. Access to God’s Word, different versions
250. Hopeful summer plans
251. Wind that makes heat more bearable
252. Hubby coming home
253. Dripping wet kids with towels over their shoulders walking home from the pool.
254. Little boys digging in a hole of dirt
255. A neighbor’s greeting
256. Old little valentines
257. Pictures that bring back memories
258. Many evidences of very proud grandparents
259. Food cooked outside
260. Options for flying
261. Homemade sauces
262. New pajamas
263. Small ducks skimming the pond
264. A dog who always gets up to be (right) next to (or on) you.
four chapters already!! hope you are enjoying it!