We left the house around 5:45 to take L to Hubby's office so they could go shopping for indoor soccer cleats and go to practice. I got a call from a friend in Texas and we talked during the 20min. drive to the office (and back!). M. and I went to the YMCA basketball meeting and really didn't find out any new information, but it was nice being part of community and running into people we knew. He and I then went and picked up canned food goods for the school's food drive. We retired to the couch to study fungi and cells, etc. for his science test - while the football game was on (I know it's awful that I let him study like that!).
Hubby and L. came home with new cleats, but with uncertainty about keeping them (sometimes I feel like store exchanges are the story of my shopping life!). The indoor season is only 8 games and if L can wear his regular cleats, he'd rather put the money towards better outdoor cleats. Whatever - it was nice that they had a better selection at the new sporting goods store.
I spent some time working on Bible quizzing/competition with L. and then after we had put both boys in bed, Hubby and I watched the news and then went to bed.
Update: After this ordinary evening - I overslept about 45 minutes. Yay!, Hubby for sticking around to take L. to school (since there was no way the boys were going to make the bus). I subbed near Micah's school so I took him (and we even had time to stop for sweet tea for me). I made it to my school with these shoes on...
:). I have shown up at work with a black and a blue of the same style shoe, but never different styles. Of course it is easier for me to hide my feet under my desk than it is for a teacher to hide her feet all day. Well......I hope the sweet tea was some consolation.