Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Saturday, March 9, 2013

On the Home Front - March 9

A peek through my window…. Breezy and cloudy.  We’re going to get rain this afternoon.  Spring is coming, but maybe later than last year???????  I was reading back through last year’s posts and saw that last year (two days from now) our neighbor’s tree was white with blooms.  I think I see tiny buds now, but blooms are a ways off.

What’s going on this week… M is registering for NINTH grade.  I can hardly believe it!

What “the boys” are doing… M just left with his dad for the hangar.  Last night, he went to a state semi-final basketball game to watch with friends.  L. is on a Scout campout, but they are coming home tonight so the Weeblos don’t have to take down wet tents.

On my mind… how our boys are changing and growing – interests too.  Playing out in the front yard isn’t something they really do anymore….

On my bedside table…  my Kindle isn’t working properly!  I need to get that taken care of soon!  When we were in Texas last month I bought some non-electronic books at Half Price Books.  I think I’m going to save them for the beach this summer.

I am richly blessed…  to have Hubby.  I’ve had a headache this morning and he spent about 20 minutes rubbing my head for me.

 (And I wrote this last month and didn’t ever publish it…)

…….to have spent time with Aunt this week.  She went to dinner with the boys and Thursday night and then to a Bible exhibit.  Last night M. and I helped her get the furniture she wanted and after we ate at our house, we took her home and unloaded the furniture.  Did I mention she bought me lunch on Wednesday and had it at my house during my lunch break?  She stayed after I went back to school and picked both the boys up at their school about an hour and half later.  I ran into a 2nd and 3rd cousin at M’s basketball game this week too. 

I’m praying for…  a phone interview for a friend.  A relaxing time away for another friend and her family.

Our home…  the laundry annex is clean (since we may have company for dinner).  Our home is looking forward to some attention while I’m home during Spring Break!

Menu planning… (Also something from last month that didn’t get published…)Something truly amazing!  Yesterday afternoon Hubby and I prepared 10 dinners that we put in the fridge or freezer ready to cook….We had shish-ke-bobs after church today for dinner.  Waiting to in the fridge to cook tomorrow night for dinner is Italian Pork Chops.  We have Chinese Chicken Morsels, Hearty Hamburger Stew, Green Chile Beef Enchiladas, Lemon Chicken, Over BBQ Chicken and Cheese Biscuits, Mexican Roast, Asian Chicken and Stir Fry Veggies and Beef Stroganoff waiting in the freezer.  Woo Hoo!  I couldn’t have done it without Hubby.  His idea and he cut all the vegetables and all the meat!

We haven’t made it to Once a Month Cooking yet this month, but I have things ready for Taco Soup, Smoky Corn Chowder, Farmer’s Casserole, Asian Chicken (again) and a couple of other things that I can’t remember right now.

A photo or two… I haven’t taken many lately so these are oldies, but goodies!
Easter 2003

Playing in the front yard in Kentucky

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see an update. Wow, I can't believe M is going to be a freshman. And I'm super-impressed with your menu planning. Miss you - hope maybe we can have lunch soon.


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