Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ranger Lakes Family Getaway

(I know this post is mostly pics. Please bear with me.) About a month ago, we met Hubby's Mom, Brother and Family at his other Brother and Family's home outside Denver.  After some preparation (but not much - Bro 1 and Sis had outdone themselves getting ready for this trip), a dozen of us made our way to our camping destination. (This picture is missing Mom and Bro who were in "town" getting supplies and Another Sis (Pink) and Babe. Well, me too - the photographer.)

We camped at Ranger Lakes and spent quite a bit of time there fishing.  Even though at times it felt like all it did was rain, we really did have nice breaks to get outdoors. Pink, Babe, M and I went for a short hike on the last day. A squirrel pelted us with acorns!  I really had wanted to see a moose - there was evidence at the campsite and on trails.  We had to settle for just hearing them.  My disappointment didn't last long.  How could it, with all this gorgeous scenery?

A "real" Christmas Tree

I know it doesn't look like it by the picture, but L. caught lots of fish.  I love this candid picture below.  It doesn't get much better than fishing in the mountains with all your cousins!  I do hope they do something like this together when they are adults.

Hubby loves to fish and loves his family!  This was a much needed reprieve for him (well, everyone).
I didn't actually get a fishing license.  I was completely content though sitting here, watching my family, taking pictures, thinking and just being.

Babe celebrated her first birthday on our trip!  It was tricky getting this part done around rain and napping!  We gave her a Little People van.  I have bought so many vehicles for my sons and nephews, it just seemed fitting that she have a pink one.  Later in the day we were all excited to see an amazing birthday gift given by God...a triple rainbow! (Sorry no picture here.)  We had seen doubles before, but never a triple.  Since our elevation was so high, the bow seemed like it was RIGHT THERE in our campsite! We could see end to end of the first one - even sent the littles out to find the pot of gold!  Ok, I know that's silly.  We truly marveled at God's promise of the rainbow and our Wonderful Creator Who still makes and keeps promises. How wonderful for a 1st birthday and for our family to share!

All that fish we caught has to be cooked, right?  This picture shows fried-the night before was grilled.

M & L are really growing up quickly!
Can we go back next weekend?  I prefer the mountains over the beach any day, but I'm glad my family can enjoy both in one year.  I love being together!  I love my family!


  1. all picture are wonderful, but the one of the 3 men cooking fish, is great. Didn't God allow me the wonder of giving birth to 3 incredible men! Thank you for this blog!

  2. Thanks for this great blog. The pic of the 3 men cooking fish is my fav. Didn't God just really bless me by allowing me to be the mother of 3 incredible men! And I got 3 daughters too!


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