Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Three Day Weekend

Four soccer games later.....

I attended three of the four games. One was dreadfully hot with most parents crowded under one shade tree behind a fence (but we could still see the game!) where it was still 110 degrees! The game the next morning was after the cool front came through and had me begging to borrow a blanket.

On Saturday night, we went shoe shopping and had dinner at Qdoba. Aunt and I were so excited to find this:

This was absolutely one of the coolest things I had seen in a long time! The sign on the front door advertised 100 drink choices and I believe it - you could have Sprite with one of 9 different flavors. Sprite!? Of course this was my choice...

Hubby ended up waiting in the truck while we took photos. He only got water so maybe he wasn't too excited to see the new machine. Or maybe he was embarrassed that we were taking pictures of it?

Between church and games yesterday, we mowed at Dad's. Boy did it need it - had been neglected way too long. That's a whole nother story. We need the "old house fairy" to come in and zap everything the way it's supposed to be. Exciting thing on this day is that M. got his first riding lawnmower lesson. I'll spare him the details.

Today we cleaned out the attic and I mean cleaned out the attic. We sorted and restacked and went through boxes we should have, but didn't on one of our moves. It was great to condense and Hubby and the boys made a trip to the dumpster that was close by for neighborhood cleanup and Goodwill. We had lots of great finds...

#1 Our china (confession I haven't used it - yet!) When we got married 16 years ago we registered for a beautiful ivory pattern that had silver and gold both on it. I still love it. However, it was probably expensive and not terribly practical. We have seven sets - I think I didn't use it because we didn't have eight. Pure silliness! Any time we have a special dinner (or even if it's just because I want to) and have seven or less people eating, I'm going to use it! Makes more sense than leaving it in a box in the attic! However, I did leave the dainty cups and their saucers packed away. I promise I will never use those - I don't drink coffee and if I drink hot tea it's at Starbucks. Now, if we could have registered for big plastic cups from BBQ restaurants....... (I digress).

#2 Our ice cream maker. This was a gift to Hubby from me several years back.. He's lucky enough to get gifts like this since his birthday is the Fourth of July. On their trip out to Goodwill the guys got all the ingredients for Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream. After reading the instructions and realizing the steps and time we opted for Easy Vanilla Ice Cream. After getting about $10 worth of ingredients into the canister and setting everything together right we plugged it in and nothing. Didn't work - Hubby took it apart and found gears were broken. Since we couldn't let all those ingredients go to waste I headed to Walmart where I found they sold out 4th of July. JC Penney and Ross also did not have them - I texted friends and Hubby put our dilemma on FB and checked with neighbors. While I was in the Big Lots parking lot, I got a text back from a friend who had one and yes I could borrow it!

We enjoyed bowls on the back porch after dinner and mowing for Aunt. It was nice to have a long weekend and a change of pace. Now, back to the new normal.

(Sidenote: Hubby hung my new picture for the boys' bathroom. That's not what I got it for originally, but it matches and I love it. It reminds me of all the fun travels we've had together as a family.)


  1. Hi Annette...thank you for your comment on my "little space" nice to hear from you! I hope that you and your family have a lovely weekend! Hugs ♥ Teri

  2. Oh...I forgot to tell you that I did a post on how I set up our Home Journal last night! I hope that you find it helpful! Hugs again! Teri


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