A peek through my window… M – 81, T –66, W – 59, T – 63, F – 71. The grass still needs mowed -this really is kinda late to have to mow grass here. We still have a couple of houses on our street for sale. Every time I walk past I pray for them. One of the families I know and they are commuting. They did it for their daughter to graduate here, but she did so it's time to move on.
What’s going on this week… Wed. part of our carpet pad is getting replaced. Hubby decided that since I noticed some inconsistencies we should have it looked at (I’m not very observant). Glad to have that lifetime warranty. I’m looking forward to Fall Break – getting some things done, time with friends and just staying home all day one day.
What “the boys” are doing… almost asleep this very moment. Earlier I could hear Hubby tucking them in. They were quite “squirrely” and I saw it as a good opportunity for me to duck outta the bedtime routine.
M. tried his best to finish up a science crossword – I tried to help with a couple. I just hate it when we can’t find the answer in the book or Internet! M. enjoyed watching the last Rangers game and is excited they are in the World Series. He wildly swung his Rangers towel during the game and all.
L. scored a goal and had an assist in his game today. He is getting ready for a Scout campout. I am so thankful that Hubby has done all the campouts for the past two years. The last one in Texas with no flushing toilets was where my Scout camping days came to a screeching halt.
On my mind… I still don’t have a sub job for tomorrow and I’m really torn between knowing I really should be working since there’s a “break” this month and really hoping to have the day off. I’d like to read and review my next book, take some extended time in “Stepping Up” in prep for Wed. night and start filing in the office. I know our break will just fly by.
On my bedside table… Exactly what was there last week – the only movement has been moving my Bible and replacing it after reading.
I am richly blessed… I am so blessed to have all my needs provided and to have so many conveniences.
I’m blessed to hear L. practice Psalm 97 for the Dinner Theatre. It blesses me to hear the words over and over and to know he is learning God’s Word.
I’m praying for… Friend from small group – grandfather’s cancer is back and someone at church who was just diagnosed this week. My toenails are still painted teal – I remember to pray for a friend’s sister who is going through round 2 of chemo for ovarian cancer.
Our home… I’m enjoying the Lysol automatic soap dispenser that I won on a blog. I’m hoarding it in our bathroom – I don’t think the boys have touched it once or even know it’s there! Hubby planted the rose bush he received at the marathon. We plan to give it a little extra attention as we may get our first freeze this week.
Menu planning… Chinese Chicken morsels are prepped and waiting for me to broil tomorrow evening to put on top of rice. I’ll be home Wed. and can put a little extra time into making zucchini pizza (zucchini for the “dough”)
A photo or two…
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