Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Monday, January 9, 2012

One Thousand Gifts - January 9

Whew!  I've been in Kindergarten four days and I'm exhausted!  I love it though, and have learned so much.  I have much to be thankful for every day both at home and away from home and I don't want to let the opportunity to keep recording graces to slip by.

I've mentioned "walk" twice and take such joy in the time in prayer, exercise, soaking up the sun, and being with my dog.  We have had such unseasonably warm weather since Christmas - even hitting 70 a couple of days!

1060 A 7 wk. break in Sat. sports

1061 The Canadian geese flying dark against the purple and pink sky

1062 Hot tea

1063 Devotions before school

1064 Silly songs

1065 A day that went pretty smoothly

1066 My constant Companion

1067 I got a walk in today!

1068 Brothers getting along!!!

1069 I can do it!

1070 The sound of the soccer ball being kicked

1071 God’s peace

1072 Warm walking weather (still)

1073 A winter swim

1074 Visiting

1075 Hubby and L working on the derby car together

1076 Plans for a surprise

1077 God ministering to and answering prayer through a song

1078 M making the school Geo. B.

1 comment:

  1. This is what JOY is about - finding those little moments of blessing and gift to remind us that He is all sufficient and MORE than enough. :) Thanks for sharing!


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