Romans 12:1-2

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2

Friday, May 18, 2012

Flashback Friday - May 18

After birthdays and Mother's Day, I was noticing that there hasn't been much "normal" Flashback Friday.  The original purpose was to write down some of the boys' earlier days since I don't scrapbook.  When I last left off, we were in Kentucky.... The above picture is M & L at the end of the kitchen counter drawing.  I honestly don't remember using this spot alot because at one and three (more like almost two and almost four in this pic) it was just too easy for them to topple off the barstools.  This was the the time of M's life where his scribbles became letters or trucks.  He could even spell Uhaul himself and put it in the right place on the drawing.  Sadly, Uhaul is a memory of his younger years.  But, the 11 months was well worth it in Kentucky - not only did Hubby get all the classwork for his doctorate completed on scholarship, we had a really fun year living closely to 20 families.

It was in the floor right at the edge of the counter where L. sometimes ate breakfast.  I know, the horrible confessions of motherhood.  Granted nothing was wrong with the table, but remember, I didn't want him tumbling off the barstool?  I put cereal in a bowl and set it on the floor along with his cup of milk.  I can't remember if M. did this too.  How funny.

In the picture you can see two doors.  The one on the left was a 3/4 bathroom.  We rarely used the shower in it because it was where we kept recycling.  Really!  Stacked it all up there, hid it by the curtain and then every so often we loaded it in the wagon and carted it across the street to the part of campus that had bins.

Notice how L. is putting his entire body into drawing this?  The green things on their cheeks are shamrocks.  Aunt happened to be visiting for Spring Break.  St. Pat's Day usually falls during S.B.

L. was definitely my Bob the Builder kid.  He got into tools more than M. ever did.  And look, proof that I DID let my kids play with playdoh.  It's never been one of my personal favorites, but it was okay in controlled circumstances.  Of course, their favorite was the years after this when their grandmother made them edible playdough!  This table was the site of many activities each day - the boys probably can't remember one of them!  I remember lots of projects and puzzles (there was a storage closet in the dining room that held toys and games) and of course there was dinner. 

Now, dinner in Kentucky was the best!  Several of the families had "dinner clubs".  Ours had three families in it.  I cooked on Monday nights for our family and the two others, Tues nights the ladies had our regular meeting and lots of Dads took the Kids for free or 99 cent kids meals at Fazoli's, on Wednesday and Thursday someone else cooked for our family, Friday was leftovers and that just left the weekend to fend for ourselves or go out.  I absolutely loved hearing the doorbell ring and knowing someone was delivering a hot dinner!

The cabinet L. is opening was the only one he was allowed to open - it held lots of plastic dishes he either played with or emptied and restacked.  You can see a little artwork on the fridge.  L. always had something from church to put there.  Most of the time we went to a church plant and sometimes L. was the only baby in the nursery, but the nursery workers always helped him make a project.  I always appreciated that - I knew they were teaching him Bible lessons and paying lots of attention to him.  He loved it!

One of his favorite things during this time also was story time at the library.  After the stories, they had different balls or whatever that they let the kids play with and then at the very end, they would turn on the bubble machine, his ultimate favorite!

I think I have one more Kentucky post.  I promise it will have more M. news and then we're on to Albuquerque!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Ooh, I have SO much blog reading to do! I suppose people don't stop writing just because I stopped reading, huh? ;-)


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